In January 2021, Phase II construction of the new UNM Hospital tower began on UNM’s North Campus. Also, in January 2021 UNM started the construction of the Center for Movement Disorder and Senior Health Clinics. While these new construction projects are exciting steps forward in UNMH’s journey toward creating the extra space needed to better serve patients and the New Mexico community, the projects have significantly changed the landscape of North Campus and reduced parking availability in the area.
UNM’s growth in its urban environment and its central location in the Albuquerque community are two key themes that challenge UNM Parking & Transportation Services (UNM PATS) to meet our mission of ensuring efficient and cost-effective access to the University. As the new hospital tower and clinics construction continues, UNM PATS would like to make you aware of upcoming changes to the parking lot designations on North Campus that will affect parking permit purchase eligibility and cost.
Here’s what you need to know:
G Lot Designation and price change for AY2021-2022
Effective July 1, 2021, the G Lot will be designated as a Proximity lot (it is currently classified as a Commuter lot)
Faculty/Staff - the cost of a Faculty/Staff G Lot (proximity) permit will increase with the start of permit sales for the AY2021-2022 year. (Be aware that the auto-renewal process for those faculty/staff on payroll deduction this year will occur the weekend of July 23rd.) However, to mitigate impact to current G permit holders, the permit increase for UNM Faculty/Staff will be spread over a two (2) year period as follows:
- Low-mid rate pay (<$50,000) = $204 per year
- High rate of pay (=>$50,000) = $240 per year
- Low-mid rate pay (<$50,000) = $408 per year
- High rate of pay (=>$50,000) = $480 per year
Student - the cost of a student G Lot (proximity) permit will increase to $240 proximity rate with the start of permit sales for the AY2021-2022 year.
Who is eligible to purchase a G (proximity) parking permit?
- UNM Faculty/Staff (as available)
- North Campus Grad Students (as available)
Q Lot Eligibility change for AY2021-2022
Who is eligible to purchase a Q Lot (commuter) parking permit?
- UNM Faculty/Staff (as available)
- North Campus Grad Students (as available)
- North Campus Undergrad Students (as available)
These purchase eligibility changes are effective with the start of permit sales for the AY2021-2022 year for students, and onset of new AY payroll deduction period for UNM Faculty/Staff.
New Student Commuter Parking Lot – “ELKS” Lot – Available starting in AY2021-2022
PATS is excited to announce the addition of a new 517 parking space commuter parking lot, labeled the “ELKS” Lot, that is located at 1642 University Blvd.
- ELKS Lot commuter permit cost: $180 per academic year (AY)
- During the fall and spring semesters, UNM shuttle service will be available between ELKS Lot and Main Campus from 6:30 a.m. – 10 p.m., Monday-Thursday, and 6:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Friday
Who is eligible to purchase an ELKS Lot (commuter) parking permit?
- All students (as available)
UNM PATS has made every effort to keep changes and permit fee increases to a minimum.
For more information on UNM Parking, visit UNM Parking & Transportation Services or call 505-277-1938.