University President Robert Frank and several other University of New Mexico administrators will participate in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Wednesday, Aug. 27 at 10:30 a.m. in front of Zimmerman Library. Frank, who was challenged by Mayor Richard Berry and UNM Head Soccer Coach Jeremy Fishbein last week, is now challenging the UNM community, ice or no ice, to raise money for the ALS Association New Mexico Chapter. University administrators are going to make a personal donation of $1,000 to match what has already been raised, and they urge the community to keep contributing. 

"ALS has had a direct impact on UNM through dedicated Lobos like former assistant men’s tennis coach Loren Dils, and the late-soccer player Pat Grange, to name only a few. There are many more in the Lobo family who have battled or supported a loved one battling Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis," Frank said.

Who: President Robert Frank, Provost Chaouki Abdallah, Vice Provost for Student Affairs Eliseo "Cheo" Torres, Dean of Students Tomás Aguirre, ASUNM President Rachel Williams, GPSA President Texanna Martin, Staff Council President Renee Delgado-Riley and the UNM Cheerleading Team will participate in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Lobo Louie and Lucy, the Chaparral Dance Team and Phi Delta Theta fraternity will attend the event as well.

What: University leaders and the UNM Cheerleading Team will be doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness of ALS and to raise money for the ALS Association New Mexico Chapter. Donations can be made online or in person at the Student Union Building this week between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

Where: Smith Plaza, in front of Zimmerman Library

When: Wednesday, Aug. 27, promptly at 10:30 a.m. Please arrive early because this event will only last about 10 minutes.

For more information, contact Ethan Rule at (505) 277-2322 or email to: