1. Albuquerque Journal - "New Mexico sees spike in traffic deaths in August"
2. Los Alamos Daily Post - "UNM-LA Opens ‘Sculptural Vessels’ Ceramics Exhibit"
3. The Guardian - "One of world's oldest beer varieties 'at risk from climate change'"
4. Kansas State University - "Indigenous scholars, leaders convening at K-State for Indigenous Peoples Day conference"
5. Journal Gazette & Times Courier - "Southwest oil and gas boom provides fuel for national economy"
6. Pain News Network - "App Helps Document Effectiveness of Medical Cannabis"
7. Greater Kashmir - "IUST organises orientation programme"
8. Broadcast:
*KRQE 13 - "Bell from WWII battleship gets new home at UNM"
*KRQE 13 - "Albuquerque is among 14 cities to host 'Navy Week'"
*KOB 4 - "Vote 4 NM: The Medicaid buy-in debate"
*KOB 4 – "NM traffic deaths spiked in August"
*KRWG "Early Data Shows Traffic Deaths Spiked In New Mexico In August"
*KNAU - "Earth Notes: Treebate Program"