"Together as the Undergraduate and Graduate student body presidents, it is our collective responsibility to steward the interests of all students at UNM. While we will always fight to protect the affordability of UNM for the sake of serving our students and our state, we understand that times are tough. In the face of UNM’s financial situation, our first choice is not to raise tuition, but rather seek alternative ways to generate new revenue beyond placing further financial burden on our students.
"We do understand that this is being done and explored. Due to our current timeline, we do not feel that we can present this opinion as the generalized student voice, however, as the joint presidents of the UNM student bodies, we will stand in support of a tuition increase of no more than 3 percent if it is truly in the best interest of the student body, student employment, assistantships, and the services offered to the students during their time at the University of New Mexico."
Sincerely in Service,
Texanna Martin, GPSA president
Jenna Hagengruber, ASUNM president