The UNM Center on Alcohol, Substance Use, & Addictions (CASAA) is taking new steps to research alcohol, and how it reacts with our bodies and brains.
CASAA is searching for volunteers to join this innovative research now through March 2023.
The joint ABQ Treat study will work with applicants who want to change their drinking habits in a non-medicinal way. Researchers hope to uncover how the brain, behavior and emotions shift during and after alcohol treatment.
“Our ultimate goal is to find out how treatments work in terms of people's brains, emotions, and behavior, to be able to provide individualized treatments best matched to each person's unique characteristics,” Professor Emerita of Psychology Barbara McCrady said.
If chosen for the study you will receive weekly therapy, brain images, and be asked to complete surveys and study follow-ups across 15 months.
Participants will also earn up to $440 per 20 to 21 hours of time invested into the research study visits.
"New Mexico leads the country in alcohol-related deaths. Through our research we are helping people to change their drinking so that they can stay healthy and live long and happy lives,” McCrady said.
Learn more about the study by visiting CASAA’s website, or by calling (505) 633-8861 or emailing