Starting this June, the majority of Johnson Center on main campus will be closed until early spring 2020 for major renovations and expansions. 

“A lot of thoughts and opinions went into planning this project,” said Jim Todd, recreational services director. “It started when students began to realize that our recreational center was not as efficient as it should be, so ASUNM held multiple focus groups and sent electronic surveys to gather a campus-wide consensus from students, faculty and staff.” 

The $35 million project, funded overtime with student fees, will add 50,000 new square footage and 50,000 renovated space in Johnson Gym. 

Students proposed their requests to the Recreational Service Department and after review and debate, received approval of 80 percent of construction requested. Once the project is complete, students will no longer be removed from workout areas for classes in session. 

“Since this project is student requested, and student fees are covering the project, the renovations and new areas are targeted toward students,” said Todd. “We also want to make sure that each student who has invested in this project is given access to the completed center. For students graduating before the project is complete we have made sure those individuals will have free access to the new gym for as long as they paid the increased fees.”  

Many things will be changing around Johnson Center for the next 24 months. The primary entrance to the relocated rooms is currently the west entrance. The south gym, aerobic room, dance room, mat/wrestling room and racquetball courts will remain closed throughout construction, while all swimming pools and Johnson field will remain open during the construction. 


  • Bike shop to room B08.
  • Outdoor shop to B12.
  • Weight and cardio rooms to the auxiliary gym.

A few new additions to look forward to:

  • A central courtyard, or concourse.
  • An indoor-cycling studio.  
  • New spaces for the Outdoor & Bike Shop.
  • Upgraded heating and air conditioning systems.
  • An indoor running and walking track.
  • Additional bathrooms and the remodeling of existing ones.
  • A larger space for weight and cardio equipment.
  • A new laundry room.
  • Functional training rooms.

If the budget allows, a rock-wall may also be included in the renovations and it is likely the racquetball courts will be taken out. 

"We realize we are temporarily losing a great deal recreational space, and the construction process is not convenient, but the end product will be worth any sacrifice we make now," said Todd.  

For more information on exact relocation times and a temporary guidance map visit the rec services website