As in years past, to conserve both financial and environmental resources, The University of New Mexico and the Facilities Management Department (FM) will implement the Winter Setback Program.

The program, which will run from Dec. 21, 2018 through Jan. 1, 2019, allows for lowering temperatures in many campus buildings while they are unoccupied over the semester break.

Year after year, FM has been working to upgrade energy control systems on campus, enabling the monitoring of building conditions and allowing necessary adjustments in order to maximize energy savings. With annual energy costs at approximately $18 million, the winter break represents a significant opportunity to take full advantage of the control systems, saving the University thousands of dollars in utility costs.

FM and Lobo Energy, Inc. are in the process of identifying the areas of most energy savings and will work with the occupants whose workspace must remain at normal levels due to sensitive research or lab environments.

For more information on campus energy management, review University Administrative Policy #5100.