The UNM Gives Campaign ends this Friday, Nov. 17. The annual campaign allows the Lobo community to direct support, whether it be a financial donation or a pledge of volunteered time and talent, to programs and nonprofits of their choosing.
In an effort to promote giving during the last few days of the campaign, Interim President Abdallah has issued a challenge to the UNM community. If the campus raises a total of the $450,000 by Friday afternoon, he will take a pie in the face from one of the community donors.
Lobos aren’t too far from the goal. The campaign has already raised $400,000.
The president’s plea is aimed at people who have registering to give on their to-do list. Abdallah is also hoping to appeal to new donors.
To do so, in addition to the pie, he and Chancellor Roth will each make a personal pizza delivery of up to 10 pizzas to a department with a noticeable level of monetary donations, both on main campus and at the HSC.
Online pledging is done on the UNM Gives website.