The 2020 Census is a decennial population count of the residents of the United States that is mandated by the government. It counts every person living in the United States and five U.S. territories. In mid-March, homes across the country began receiving invitations to complete the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrived, people could complete it in one of three ways: online, by phone or by mail.
When responding to the census, you tell the Census Bureau where you live as of April 1, 2020. The census is confidential and there will not be a citizenship question. Fill it out at or call 844-330-2020 to fill it out by phone, or to request a paper questionnaire.
The information collected during the 2020 Census helps the federal government determine how to distribute $675 billion to the states in support of schools, businesses, roadways, emergency services and programs. An accurate census count can mean millions in state and federal support for the Albuquerque metro area alone. As students who are a part of this community, you benefit directly from these resources and we want to be sure you are counted.
Be part of history. These numbers will determine resources for New Mexico for the next ten years.
Today, April 1, 2020 is the official 2020 Census Day. This date is not a deadline but rather a reference point for everyone to tell the Census Bureau where they reside. Efforts will continue through August 14th. Students who have been working and sleeping most of the semester at UNM should be counted here even if they are temporarily staying at another location due to the COVID-19 pandemic response. The U.S. Census Bureau expects them to be counted at the university site.
Live on campus?
The University is taking the lead on counting students who live on campus in university dorms, using administrative records. Even if they are temporarily staying at another location, they will be counted here for on-campus students. That means if students live in a university residence hall or university-owned/managed apartment, they do not need to take any action – the University directly provides information to the Census Bureau.
Live off campus or in family housing?
Those students who live off campus or in UNM family housing will be receiving an invitation by mail to complete the survey, and can complete the survey at If you have received the invitation by mail, use the 12-digit Census ID noted on the mailing you received when you complete the survey. If you are away from UNM and don’t have access to your mail, you can complete the census through the same website and select the option for no 12-digit code. You will then use your local address here to access the questions for your 2020 Census survey.
If you have housemates or apartment mates, identify one person to complete the 2020 Census survey for all of you that live together. If you live alone, follow the same guidelines and complete it for yourself.
UNM Virtual Block Party
#UNMCENSUS2020 is the university’s initiative to confirm all students, faculty and staff are counted. To help raise awareness of student’s roles in the 2020 Census, the UNM Complete Count Committee is inviting the campus community to a virtual block party on Zoom. The event is scheduled for Wed. April 15, 2020 at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will include:
- Music
- Free Raffled prizes
- Chat rooms with Branch Campuses, Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) and Community Partners
- Information on voter registration
- Poetry performances and Visual Art
- Video contest
In order to be entered in the raffle, participants must take and upload a screen shot of their completed commitment card indicating that they are pledging to speak to 5-10 participants about the urgency of a complete count for New Mexico and share the card on their social media accounts. This is an effort to ensure people are spreading the word about their involvement and encourage others to take part in the count.