The University of New Mexico helps to feed the hungry with its Lobo Food Pantry, a program that offers students in need free groceries donated by the Road Runner Food Bank (RRFB) of New Mexico. On Friday, June 24, from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. or while supplies last.

The Lobo Food Pantry gives out food to those in need at the UNM South Parking Lot located on the southwest corner of Avenida Cesar Chavez and Buena Vista, SW.           

Students interested in receiving groceries must bring a valid student ID and boxes or bags to carry the groceries. Students who wish to have another individual pick up their groceries must contact the Dean of Students Office at (505) 277-3361.

Created by the UNM Dean of Students Office in partnership with Student Affairs, Lobo Food Pantry has donated thousands of pounds of food. With more than 360,000 New Mexicans facing the specter of hunger, many of them students, programs like the Lobo Food Pantry bring both awareness and assistance to the university community.

The next Lobo Food Pantry is set for Friday, Aug. 26. Those interested in donating to Lobo Food Pantry can visit the donation page to make a contribution.       

For more information, contact Lisa Lindquist at, visit Lobo Food Pantry or Roadrunner Food Bank.