Susan Margulies, an assistant director who leads the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Engineering, visited the School of Engineering last week and engaged with faculty from around the School and the University.
Margulies oversees the Engineering Directorate at NSF, which has a yearly budget of nearly $800 million and provides over 40 percent of federal funding for fundamental research in engineering at academic institutions. It distributes more than 1,500 awards supporting research and education each year.
Margulies first met with leadership from the School of Engineering at a breakfast, then participated in a discussion about EPSCoR with School leadership.
A discussion about large research center opportunities was held with professors from a variety of disciplines in the School. Margulies also toured the Center for Water and the Environment, an NSF CREST center. Afterward, there was a discussion about opportunities for School of Engineering and Health Sciences Center collaboration with School and university leadership.
She met with faculty and staff over lunch in Centennial Engineering Center's Stamm Commons.
That afternoon, Margulies met with engineering program faculty from other New Mexico higher education institutions — New Mexico State University, Navajo Technical University and New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology — before meeting with professors from the School's Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.