The XLVIII Journal of Anthropological Research (JAR) Distinguished Lecture will feature Professor Robert K. Hitchcock, who will discuss the “Plight of the Kalahari San: Hunter-Gatherers in a Globalized World,” on Feb. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the UNM Anthropology Lecture Hall, room 163. 

This lecture will focus on San of Kalahari Desert region of southern Africa and their diversified livelihoods that are undergoing significant change. The lecture will explore the complexities of the challenges faced in the region including dispossession and marginalization to climate change and impacts of globalization. Hitchcock will also address the involuntary resettlement and criminalization of some of their livelihood strategies. 

The JAR Distinguished Lecture also features a specialized seminar on “Fieldwork among San Hunter-Gatherers and their Neighbors: Anthropology, Human Rights and Ethics,” on March 1 at noon in the Anthropology room 248. 

The seminar will focus on Kalahari San legally restoring the right to return to some of their ancestral land. It will address research ethics in the region and the indigenous people’s rights to determine who can work with them and the right of indigenous communities to benefit from anthropological, archaeological, development and genetics research. 

The Anthropology Building is located on Redondo Road, just east of University Blvd. between Martin Luther King and Las Lomas NE. Both events are free and open to the public and both venues are wheelchair-accessible. Parking is encouraged at metered spaces on the north side of Las Lomas just east of Redondo or along the west edge of the Maxwell Museum parallel to Redondo.

The Journal of Anthropological Research has been published quarterly by The University of New Mexico in the interest of general anthropology since 1945. For subscription information, visit The University of Chicago Press Journals