The Anderson School of Management at The University of New Mexico is hosting the second installment in the four-part regional innovation series to be held quarterly. This event, “Enhancing Competitiveness through Collaboration,” hosted in partnership with Santa Fe Economic Development, the Albuquerque Regional Economic Alliance (formerly Albuquerque Economic Development), and the Quantum New Mexico Coalition, and takes place Friday, Jan. 14, 9:30-11:30 a.m., online via Zoom. To register for this program, visit
This program will host two panels of local experts discussing economic development in the New Mexico ecosystem and the potential for quantum computing in transforming the New Mexico economy.
The goals of the series are to facilitate collaboration to increase the competitiveness of New Mexico for business attraction and retention and to showcase the role that universities can play in regional economic development. Universities can serve as key partners by managing student projects, research, analysis and other services, providing interns, and conducting other cultivation activities to feed into the workforce. Anderson will partner with other universities to participate in future series installments.
“This series offers a wonderful opportunity to showcase the breadth of work Anderson does and can do to serve as partners in progress,” said Mitzi Montoya, dean of the Anderson School.
“Our broad engagement in regional innovation is one of our strengths. By regularly showcasing the breadth of our work and convening and creating more partnerships, we help advance our regional and national reputation.”
“I am thrilled to be a part of this creative approach to collaboration and regionalism designed to bring thought leaders together and identify actionable paths to growing our economy,” said Danielle Casey, AREA President and CEO. AREA, formerly AED, is a private, nonprofit organization whose mission is to recruit business and industry, help local companies grow and generate quality job opportunities throughout the Albuquerque metro area and the region.
The City of Santa Fe Office of Economic Development is working to achieve long-term sustainable and focused economic growth by building a diverse, innovative economy with high-wage, high-impact jobs that provide opportunity and prosperity for the City's residents, businesses and entrepreneurs.
The Quantum New Mexico Coalition for Advancing Inclusive Infrastructure is a partnership of numerous stakeholders including The University of New Mexico, Sandia National Laboratories and Sacred Wind Enterprises.
For more information or to register for this program, visit