UNM experienced a significant denial-of-service attack on the primary data center firewall Thursday morning, July 25. This attack rendered many network-delivered, user-facing services inaccessible, including Web pages, the enterprise administrative and financial systems (Banner), LoboMail, and Vista/Learn for course management.

Impaired client access to LoboMail, sync with mobile devices and other applications continued into the afternoon, and could have been linked to the morning’s incident. Web browser access to LoboMail (0365 and on-premise) were less affected by this interruption. All services were restored in the early evening. Full IT service availability continues today.

IT regrets any negative impact on the UNM community from this extended incident. IT staff are working on prevention measures to arrive at the appropriate balance between security and access. The IT Service Desk can be contacted at (505) 277-5757 for IT service availability. The Office of the CIO can be reached at cio@unm.edu or (505) 277-8125.

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