The University of New Mexico works diligently to ensure that campus is a safe and secure environment for students, staff, faculty and visitors. As part of that ongoing effort, each year UNM publishes an annual Security and Fire Safety report, required under the federal Clery Act. The report contains crime statistics and other safety information for calendar year 2014, and compares it to data from the previous two years.
UNM Police Chief Kevin McCabe said this year's report shows several areas with significant changes, partly because of additional reporting categories, but also due to a renewed campus-wide push toward awareness and prevention. The report now includes statistics for three new Clery Act crime categories added in 2013: Dating Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking. In 2014, UNM received an increased number of reports of aggravated assaults, sexual assaults, stalking and robberies.
“Our LoboRESPECT initiative and all of its components, such as outreach, education and support, are helping draw attention to behavior that is unacceptable and not tolerated on this campus,” McCabe said. “The message seems to be resonating with our UNM community, leading to more awareness and more action. We believe people are now encouraged to report incidents that they might not have thought of doing in the past, such as a groping or stalking.”
The 2014 report shows 18 sexual assaults, an increase from the previous two years. Stalking, which was a new category added in 2013, saw a sharp rise from four to 28. Five robberies were reported in 2014, compared to none the previous year. And 14 aggravated assaults were reported in that year, up from six in 2013, and 10 in 2012.
The report also shows statistics for violations of alcohol, drug and weapons laws that resulted in referrals for disciplinary action by UNM Residence Life and Student Housing, and the Dean of Students Office. Drug-related offenses referred for discipline went up from 73 in 2013 to 138 in 2014, while alcohol discipline cases remained steady at 281. There were no illegal weapons possession violations for that year.
The tables also show statistics for crimes on campus, including at UNM Student Residential Facilities, but also for crimes in Non-Campus Buildings or Property and Public Property. Federal regulations describe what those locations entail and the definitions can also be found at the bottom of the accompanying table.
In addition to its own reports, UNMPD also requests crime statistics information from the Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Santa Ana Pueblo and Kirtland Air Force Base. The Clery Act requires that crime statistics for three years: 2012, 2013 and 2014.
Along with crime stats, the complete report also includes information about crime prevention programs; ways to report criminal activity; and campus policies on sexual assault, drugs and alcohol, and weapons. It also details fire statistics and fire safety information for UNM Student Residential Facilities as well as the University’s policy and procedures for resident students to provide a contact person in case a student is determined to be missing.
“The UNM Police Department, University Administration and our faculty and staff are working hard to make this campus safer,” UNM President Robert G. Frank said. “Accurate reporting is the first step in this process. We believe the information in this report is informative and helpful. We hope everyone will take the time to review it and work with us to improve our outcomes.”
The view the report, visit: UNM Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for 2015. Individuals may request a copy at the UNM Police Department.