Students who have earned 60 or more credit hours at UNM and who have purchased a class ring can participate in the bi-annual UNM Ring Ceremony.

At the event, students will receive their ring and learn about its traditions and symbolism. Students participating in the ceremony will have the option of dipping their hand in a cherry basin of dye or a silver basin of water, to signify their Lobo pride.

The ceremony takes place Wednesday, May 3, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in Ballrooms B and C on the second floor of the Student Union Building. Family and friends are welcome to come to the ceremony. Cake and snacks will be served following the event.

For more information about the event, contact Student Activities Associate Director Ryan Lindquist at or call (505) 277-4706 or ASUNM Lobo Spirit at (505) 277-0372 or email,

To order your class ring, visit UNM graduation products.