cur­rent exhi­bi­tion, "Recal­cu­lat­ing, fea­tur­ing con­tem­po­rary paint­ings and draw­ings," by Sharon Dud­ley Bruce.">

The Jonathan Abrams MD Art Gallery at the University of New Mexico Hospital will host a public reception for its current exhibition, "Recalculating, featuring contemporary paintings and drawings," by Sharon Dudley Bruce. The reception will be held Thursday, Jan. 27 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Jonathan Abrams MD Art Gallery located on the Fifth Floor of Ambulatory Care Center at University of New Mexico Hospital.

Bruce's series of paintings and drawings in this exhibition were inspired by the gift of a Garmin navigator for a trip across the country, which led to an examination of interior memory and space. The works are painted in acrylic on canvas as contemporary icons.

Bruce has had single-person exhibits at the La Jolla Museum of Art, Hartwick College of Art in upstate New York, George Mason University, as well as various group shows. She has a Master's of Education.

For more information contact Chris Fenton at 272-9700 or e-mail,