Progress has been made on Johnson Center since its partial closure earlier this summer. While additions and renovations continue, there are many closures and activity relocation changes. 

Relocation and closure updates:

  • The main gym will be closed July 30 - Aug. 5 for maintenance which includes a new floor finish being applied. Fumes will be present during the application, July 30 and will persist a few days after the application.
  • The weight room will be closed July 30 - 31 due to the maintenance associated with the work being performed in the main gym.
  • Men’s locker room B53 will be unavailable July 30 - Aug. 5 due to the maintenance associated with the work being performed in the main gym.
  • There will be no hot water in Johnson Center on Friday, July 27 to repair and relocate a steam pipe and the heat exchanger that it feeds. 

For those with a valid Lobo ID, gym alternatives include discounts on memberships from Anytime Fitness and Planet Fitness. For more information and participation information, visit the Plant Fitness flyer or Anytime Fitness flyer.

The majority of Johnson Center on main campus will be under construction until early spring 2020. The $35 million project, funded overtime with student fees, will add 50,000 new square feet and 50,000 renovated square feet to Johnson Gym. 

For more information on closures and relocations, visit the UNM Rec Services website