Spike Lee and Brooklyn. Alfred Hitchcock and London. Jean-Luc Godard and Paris. Cinematic history features a number of filmmakers who are synonymous with the cities where they weaved their movie magic. In the world of television, one pairing undoubtedly...
The University of New Mexico Honors College, in partnership with the Albuquerque Film Office, presents Breaking Bad ABQ & A: An Evening with Vince Gilligan on Thursday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m.
Join writer and director Vince Gilligan (“Breaking Bad” and...
In a thoroughly unscientific study based on random stories told by traveling Burqueños, there’s a one in three chance that saying, “I’m from Albuquerque” will prompt some version of the response, “Oh, cool! Breaking Bad!” A now quintessential part of...
The New York Times calls law journals, “the lackluster reviews that lawyers love to hate.” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has criticized them for being boring and theoretical. The UNM School of Law student-edited New Mexico Law Review (NMLR) has...
The University of New Mexico School of Law student-edited general legal journal New Mexico Law Review (NMLR) has published a special issue that analyses contemporary legal issues related to the storyline of “Breaking Bad.”