Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority crews will begin to rehabilitate the sewer line along Mesa Vista Road between Yale Blvd. and University beginning Monday, March 13. Regular work hours will be Monday – Friday from 7 a.m.- 6 p.m. Crews may work outside of these hours if necessary. 

This project will require road closures at the work zone, but residents will always have access to their homes. 

How will this improvement project impact you?

  1. F and J permits will be valid for use in the GR lot located on the southeast corner of Mesa Vista and University ONLY between March 13 through March 17.
  2. Access in and out of residences and businesses along Mesa Vista Road will be maintained for the duration of the project. Please speak with the construction crew for any concerns you have regarding access to your residence or business.
  3. No street parking will be permitted along Mesa Vista Road for the project's duration. Please remove vehicles before 7 a.m. on Monday, March 13.
  4. There will be no southbound access on Yale Boulevard at Lomas Boulevard from approximately March 13 - 15. No left-hand turns will be permitted on northbound Yale at Lomas Boulevard during this time.
  5. Access will be maintained for routine trash pick-up, mail and package deliveries.
  6. It is not anticipated that water or sewer service will be interrupted during the project.

Always use caution and obey all construction signage, slow down and allow for extra time to reach your destination. The target completion date is Friday, March 17 but as with all construction projects, this timetable is subject to change. 

If you have any questions about this notice, contact:

  • Daven Tagaban, Water Authority, Project Manager, 505-289-3269,
  • Rachel Stone, Water Authority, Communications Specialist, 505-289-3071,
  • Ron Fernandez, RMCI Inc., Contractor, 505-250-4207
  • Emergencies and after-hours call 505-842-WATR (9287)