The break room in the UNM Health Sciences Center (HSC) Custodial Services suite was quiet and tense as the staff awaited an announcement from the Physical Plant Department (PPD) interim director, Shirley Mitchell, last week. Little did they know the announcement to be made was to present the first PPD’s Outstanding Manager Award for 2016 to Michael Crocker, manager of HSC Custodial Services.
The 2017 Jim Davis Staff Council Award for Meritorious Service has been awarded to longtime staff council representative Mary Clark.
Clark came to UNM in 1995 and is currently UNM’s Sustainability manager within the Physical Plant Department. As a...
The Staff Council Student Success Committee hosts the bi-annual Staff as Students event on Monday, April 10 from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the SUB, Ballroom A & B.
Staff as Students is an event where the UNM Staff Council makes the registration process...
The University of New Mexico’s Staff Council hosts its Brown Bag lecture series with a presentation on LoboRESPECT Friday, March 31 from noon to 1 p.m. in the Roberts Room at Scholes Hall.
The presentation on LoboRESPECT precedes Sexual Awareness month...
The University of New Mexico Staff Council seeks nominations for the Jim Davis Staff Council Award for Meritorious Service. The award, named after former staff councilor Jim Davis, recognizes the significant contributions of an individual to the Staff...
The University of New Mexico winter break is set for Friday, Dec. 23 through Monday, Jan. 2. Many departments on campus will be closed or have abbreviated hours throughout this time. Check the hours of the office you plan to visit.
Below is a list of...
Geoffrey Chaucer penned the phrase “All good things must come to an end” in his poem Troilus and Criseyde. This is an idiom that embodies the mood at the Physical Plant Department after R. Gary Smith, interim director of PPD, announced his retirement. Smith has been employed at The University of New Mexico for over 21 years, and will leave behind a legacy of distinction and expertise PPD and the University have benefitted from for decades.
Five recipients, April Davidson, Manuel Martinez, Yolanda Martinez, Luis Rocha and Patricia Ann Young were honored as the 2016 Gerald May Outstanding Staff Award winners at a ceremony in the Student Union Ballroom.
With the holiday season in full swing, the University of New Mexico Staff Council hosts the 9th annual “Happy Tails Drive” supporting Animal Humane New Mexico through Thursday, Dec. 15.
The drive aims to help animals at the shelter who have yet to be...
Nominations are now being solicited from faculty, staff and students for the 2016 Gerald W. May Outstanding Staff Award presented by the Staff Council Rewards & Recognition Committee. The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m., Friday, Oct. 28,...