Albuquerque Journal – NM residents spend less than national average on prescription drugs

Albuquerque Journal - Former NM resident Joy Harjo named U.S. Poet Laureate

Albuquerque Journal - Acting director for arts society named

Albuquerque Journal - ‘Hurricane’ Hawkins runs to gold in 100-meter race

Santa Fe Reporter - Citizenship Question Looms Large

Indian Country Today - Rezzies in Medicine: The new adventures of Native physicians

Manchester Ink Link - Seasoned NH athletes compete at National Senior Games in Albuquerque

Eurekalert - Antarctic marine life recovery following the dinosaurs' extinction


Youth Today - New Mexico Program for Foster Youth Starts With Basic Needs

Spectrum - Doubts precede saliva test for autism, set to be available by July

Fairfield (Connecticut) Hamlethub - "Butterflies to Battleships" Photo Show features former UNM professor’s work

The National Tribune (Australia) - Talking about health…can language transform best-practice healthcare?

Outside Bozeman - Pining for Rock

Vineyard Gazette - Photographing the Ancient World, One Roadside Attraction at a Time




KOAT 7 – UNM studies alcohol abuse treatments

KOAT 7 – Visiting scholars use UNM resources for history research

KOAT 7 – Summer Lobo food pantry

KOAT 7 – Juneteenth athletic panel for young athletes

KRQE 13 – UNM Lobo Launch Team to compete in Spaceport rocketry competition

KRQE 13 – UNM golf coach caddies for brother in senior games

KRQE 13 – UNM participating in Science Expo

KOB 4 – Preventing a stroke

Univision NM – UNM nursing students taking free blood pressure readings