It’s a win-win situation this week at The University of New Mexico Student Union Building (SUB).
Faculty, staff, students, as well as community members, are invited to not only knock out some holiday shopping but support local craftspeople at the 58th Annual ASUNM Arts and Crafts Fair.
Handmade art, pottery, jewelry, and more are available from over 70 vendors through Friday, Dec. 2. Vendors are made up of both creative UNM students and community members, all looking to showcase their work.
You can view just some of the vendors in the photos above.
There are also three bands performing each day from 12 to 1 p.m.
Stop by for free from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the SUB Ballrooms.
If you cannot make it by, but want to learn more about becoming a vendor for next year, the ASUNM Arts and Crafts Studio is a jewelry and ceramics workshop open for students all year. A membership gives access to art tools, classes and instructors.