The American College Health Foundation (ACHF) selected The University of New Mexico to participate in its emotional well-being survey that will be sent to a random selection of students, staff and faculty across campus starting Tuesday, March 30.

UNM is one of 10 universities nationwide to have been chosen to participate. The university’s Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) Health Promotion department is a member of the American College Health Association. Last year, SHAC’s Health Promotion/Nutrition Marketing and Communication Manager Tiffany Martinez-Durant applied, putting UNM in the running to take part in the survey.

Story of Get Ready to Share Your Experience 2 1

“The survey will allow UNM to not only assess campus in its entirety, but it will also provide the needed information to help our campus community in this trying time,” Martinez-Durant said.

Martinez-Durant said as students, staff and faculty adjust to new ways of living, working and learning while facing constant uncertainty, it is pivotal to understand the impact on the well-being and resilience of our community. The confidential survey provides the opportunity to share how individuals are faring during this difficult time so UNM can better serve Lobos’ needs. 

The survey focuses on the emotional well-being components of each individual's:

  • Meaning in life
  • Sense of purpose in life
  • Social support networks
  • Approach to stress management
  • How individuals have been feeling lately, stressors they may be facing and how inclusive they think their university is. 

Not every Lobo will receive the survey; a random sample of nearly 8,000 students have been selected to participate. Faculty and staff will also be chosen at random. The survey will launch March 30 and run through April 13, giving selected participants two weeks to complete the 10-minute survey.

All participants will be entered into a drawing to win Amazon gift cards.