His enthusiasm and colorful words often fill the seats of vacant lecture halls - now those words have University of New Mexico Professor Len Kravitz recognized by a premiere organization in exercise science, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).
“My expertise is taking the complexity of the material in exercise science and sports medicine and breaking it down so that anyone can ‘see’ and then ‘do,’” Kravitz said.

Kravitz coordinates UNM’s College of Education and Human Science Exercise Science Program. Last year, the ACSM editorial team for its Health & Fitness Journal chose Kravitz’s article “Developing a Lifelong Resistance Training Program,” as 2019 Paper of the Year.
ACSM described Kravitz’s work in the field as leading and exceptional. ACSM said his article was chosen because it “so clearly translated the scientific literature and industry guidelines on resistance training into practical information, which readers can apply immediately with clients and patients. Len distinctly summarizes current science behind the recommendations and provides meaningful, practical examples that readers can easily follow.”
“I think the article establishes resistance training as a life-long pursuit,” Kravitz said. “It includes all the research we now know exists for children, young adults and seniors about how to start resistance training and maintain routines to help live healthier lives.
The organization’s editorial team said Kravitz worked to display a deep-dive lesson into resistance training all laid out in one article. The 2016 National Fitness Hall of Famer remains modest about his years of research and contribution to the field of exercise science – chalking it up as one’s love.
“This work is my passion,” he said. “My goal was to create and write an article that would last a long time and I hope I accomplished just that.”