A new exhibit on The University of New Mexico's campus will showcase local eighth graders' work about the Museum of Southwestern Biology. 

Lobo Science is a yearlong museum science class taught in collaboration with the Museum of Southwestern Biology (MSB) and Jefferson Middle School. Since August, students have been working daily in the classroom and visiting campus each week to explore UNM museums and work in the MSB labs. Their final projects about study species, such as the White Sands pupfish, Jemez Mountains salamander, Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly, and Sandhill Cranes, will be on display in Castetter Hall starting next week. Their work will be front and center in two display cases around the main floor of UNM's Biology building. 

"This class has been such a fantastic pilot program and has expanded the reach of the MSB beyond our standard audience of researchers, even garnering attention and funding from Sandia National Labs," said Bre Kappel, the museum's program coordinator. "I'm happy to say we've been resigned to teach at Jefferson again in the fall, so this exhibit celebration is twofold." 

While this is the first year of the science class, Kappel believes this is building future scientists, she says the students have been enthusiastic and excited about working in real labs. 

An exhibit opening for the students will be held Wednesday, May 29, from 5 to 7 p.m., followed by snacks and a celebration. The grand opening is free to attend for all ages. 

For more information on the event or to reserve a spot, click HERE