The University of New Mexico (UNM) invites the community to witness a remarkable celestial event as an annular eclipse will grace Albuquerque’s sky on Saturday, Oct. 14. The UNM Department of Physics & Astronomy, along with faculty, students, and staff, will host the event on UNM’s Johnson Field beginning at 8:30 a.m.
The event will provide spectators an opportunity to experience the wonder of this rare phenomenon with the expertise and guidance of UNM astronomers. Albuquerque is in the direct path to view the annular eclipse and is a prime location for an awe-inspiring display for all to see. Other parts of the southwest will only see a partial solar eclipse.
The Annular Eclipse, which begins at 9:13 a.m. when the moon begins to block the sun, is a mesmerizing occurrence where the Moon aligns perfectly between the Earth and the Sun, leaving only a brilliant ring of light around the edge of the Sun visible, creating a remarkable “ring of fire” effect, which will occur at 10:36 a.m.
Enchanted Eclipse 2023 Details
Who: The University of New Mexico Department of Physics & Astronomy
What: UNM Enchanted Eclipse 2023 Viewing Party
Where: Johnson Field, 2401 Redondo Dr. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106
When: Oct. 14, festivities begin at 8:30 a.m., eclipse starts at 9:13 a.m.
Details: Free event, eclipse solar glasses provided, educational talks, food trucks and more!
“We’re providing a unique eclipse experience. UNM’s astronomers will be on hand and there will be some great activities, informative talks, food trucks and more,” said Department of Physics & Astronomy Chair Richard Rand.
As part of the free program, short talks featuring scientists from the Air Force Research Laboratory, MIT and UNM will be held in the Physics, Astronomy, and Interdisciplinary Science (PAÍS) building beginning at 8:50 a.m. with a welcome from UNM Professor Greg Taylor. Hear from experts about eclipses and other sky phenomena including:
- 9 a.m. - Solar Physics
- Find out how the Sun works.
- 9:30 a.m. - High Energy Views of the Sun
- The Sun doesn't just shine in visible light. What can we learn from other kinds of radiation?
- 10 a.m. - Optical and Radio Solar Eclipses
- What does a solar eclipse look like through an optical or radio telescope?
- 10:35 a.m. – Annularity
- Viewing
- 11 a.m. - History of Eclipses
- What records of eclipses have ancient civilizations left behind?
- 11:30 a.m. - Eclipses on Other Worlds
- Learn how scientists use eclipses of other stars to find and characterize planets orbiting them?
For those who wish to view the eclipse inside during the talks, a live image of the sun will be projected onto a screen in the room, so you won't feel left out of the action happening outside. Or, head over to Johnson Field around 10 a.m. and grab a spot to view the annular eclipse with free eclipse viewing glasses. Attendees are encouraged to bring a folding, camp, or stadium-style chair to the field for a comfortable viewing experience.
Local food trucks will be available near the field, and on the field you’ll find fascinating demos and an opportunity to view plans for the new astronomy observatory at UNM.
Free parking will be available off-campus on nearby city streets. On campus, parking is available across Redondo Drive at pay stations and at the Cornell parking structure for $1.75/half hour. Attendees should enter Johnson Field at the southwest corner.
For more information about the Enchanted Eclipse event at The University of New Mexico, visit