In honor of the Grand Canyon National Park’s 2019 Centennial celebration, Earth Day 2019 and the 150th anniversary of John Wesley Powell’s 1869 pioneering Colorado River expedition, hundreds of scientists will be gathering at the Grand Canyon for the Grand Canyon Geology and Geoscience Education Public Symposium from April 18 through 20. The symposium, led by UNM Professors Karl Karlstrom and Laura Crossey, will feature several UNM faculty, students and alumni.
The Grand Canyon is one of the world’s iconic geologic laboratories and has long served as a centerpiece of geoscience education and science literacy. The objective of this symposium is to provide an update on geologic research and on innovation in geoscience education that has taken place at Grand Canyon.
This region has served for 150 years as a place where ideas of global importance are developed, tested and refined. This symposium involves active researchers who will summarize for the public and present knowledge in the context of ongoing debates and future challenges. Day 1 will focus on the present overview of Grand Canyon geology and discuss “hot topics” that have major importance for understanding Earth History as well as Grand Canyon geology. Day 2 emphasizes the need for continued innovations in public outreach and interpretation and a close connection between scientists and society.
Speakers at the Grand Canyon for the Grand Canyon Geology and Geoscience Education Public Symposium include UNM researchers like Karl Karlstrom, Mark Holland, Carmen Winn and Laurie Crossey.
Karlstrom will be presenting on Grand Canyon Geology Debates and their global reverberations. Holland will be presenting on the continental crust and its relationship to the supercontinent cycle. Winn will present on uplift and age of the Grand Canyon and Grand Suitcase. Crossey will present on Groundwater Hydrology.
UNM alumni Mike Timmons, Carol Dehler and Ryan Crow will also be speaking at the event. Each speaker will give 15-minute presentations and facilitate a 10-minute Q and A about their topic.
The event is open to the public and there is no formal registration or fee for the meeting.
For more information, and the complete two-day schedule, visit Grand Canyon Geology and Geoscience Education Public Symposium.