Monday was UNM Day at the New Mexico Legislature and a more memorable event couldn't have been scripted. Bright, warm, and sunny with Clifford the Big Red Dog roaming the halls and Sen. Mark Moores (R-Albuquerque) leading his fellow alums in the Senate in the Lobo Fight Song….on-key and with notable enthusiasm.
As always, many thanks to all of the UNM folks who got up extra early to set up and staff exhibits around the Rotunda. They faced some challenges this year, but these were handled with grace and good cheer. And obviously the exhibits were a success as maneuvering from the east side to the west side of the Rotunda proved to be a tight squeeze.
UNM Day was memorialized on the floor in both houses in recognition of the accomplishments of our faculty, staff and students. The House and Senate also recognized four individuals in particular for their work and service: Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Patricia Crown, who was recently elected to the National Academy of Sciences; Marshall and Truman Scholarship recipient Ryan Roco, who will be getting his bachelor’s degree in political science; School of Medicine Executive Vice Dean Martha McGrew who is nationally recognized for her scholarship and leadership in Family Medicine; and Clinical Excellence Award recipient LisaMarie Turk who is now a candidate in the College of Nursing’s doctoral program and a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellow.
A special shout out goes to UNM students who made it their mission to ensure that every mobile being in the Roundhouse wore cherry and silver beads. Several ASUNM leaders were recognized on the floor of the Senate, and this afternoon, representatives from ASUNM and GPSA are scheduled to meet with the Governor. Additionally, scores of UNM faculty, staff, students, alums and retirees are meeting with legislators and spreading the good word of the University.
The UNM Alumni Association hosts its annual Legislative Appreciation Reception Monday night. The UNM Alumni event is widely recognized among lawmakers as being among the best social gatherings of any legislative session. A most suitable capper to a fine day.