This week on New Mexico in Focus, The Line opinion panel breaks down the latest campaign finance numbers in the governor’s race. While the general election is still a year away, the most recent reporting period sheds new light on the Republican primary field. The group also explores the problem of a burned-out, stressed-out health care workforce.
Getting outside has been a great way for many New Mexicans to cope with the pandemic. But for people without cars, it’s sometimes next to impossible to reach most hiking trails, even state parks or national parks here in the state. For young men of color, there are even more challenges. Our Land returns to take a trip with Together for Brothers, which works on issues like transit equity and raising young men of color to lead in their own communities—including to lead their friends and family members out to the trails.
With the IATSE strike deadline of Monday threatening to shut down film and television production, Gene Grant speaks with a senior media reporter from Variety and with local union members to find out what’s at stake and what workers are demanding from producers and studios.
NMiF crews were at Indigenous Peoples’ Day protests and celebrations and bring a glimpse of the day to this week’s show.
And NMiF senior producer Matt Grubs talks about New Mexico’s pretrial detention conundrum with the director of the Administrative Office of the Courts, Artie Pepin. The office recently asked UNM social researchers to evaluate its effectiveness at keeping the right people free until trial, an innocence-before-guilt approach reinforced with a voter-approved 2016 change to the state constitution. Prosecutors and police say New Mexicans are safer with more people locked up as they await a decision on their innocence, but Pepin says the study suggests otherwise.
New Mexico in Focus airs on NMPBS 5.1 (KNME HD) Friday, Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 17 at 7 a.m., and streaming on the PBS video app.
NMiF Segments
IATSE Strike Looms
Gene Grant
Gene Maddaus, senior media reporter, Variety
Jessica Hoffman, IATSE Local 480 field representative
Shaun Garcia, IATSE Local 480 member
Our Land: Together for Brothers
Laura Paskus
Christopher Ramírez, executive director, Together for Brothers
David Grubbs, Jr., Together for Brothers
Alejandro Villezcas, Together for Brothers
Pretrial Detention
Matt Grubs
Artie Pepin, director, Administrative Office of the Courts
New Mexico in Focus is the New Mexico PBS prime-time news magazine show covering the events, issues, and people that are shaping life in New Mexico and the Southwest. NMiF takes a multi-layered look at social, political, economic health, education, and art issues, and explores them in-depth with a critical eye to give them context beyond the "news of the moment."
The producer of New Mexico in Focus is Matt Grubs, with Kathy Wimmer, associate producer. The NM PBS Public Affairs executive producer is Kevin McDonald.
The McCune Charitable Foundation provides NMiF funding, along with viewers like you. Get updates, watch and follow New Mexico PBS on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more.