The Office of the Vice President for Research, in partnership with the Office of Institutional Analytics and IT Academic Technologies, is proud to announce the acquisition of Qualtrics for all students, faculty, and staff at UNM, including branch campuses and Health Sciences. Qualtrics has agreed to include existing UNM Qualtrics subscriptions within the new campus-wide service, eliminating all continuing charges for subscriptions purchased before the agreement. The enterprise agreement and elimination of existing charges is a big win for anyone who needs to develop surveys and is already saving departments money.
What is Qualtrics?
Qualtrics is a web-based survey tool that provides a high level of functionality and customization, and is in wide use in higher education, industry, and research organizations to collect data on opinions and experiences. Users can create and share surveys within the Qualtrics system, which allows for the replication of good survey design and practices. This platform is user-friendly and provides many options for question formats and answer modalities—including embedding video—to collect data in many forms. This platform is meant to be a campus-wide complement to current survey platforms such as Opinio and Formstack.
When can I get Access?
The Implementation team is currently accepting account requests for a small number of participants in a pilot system testing program. Requests to join the pilot and early-adopter programs can be submitted through the web page. These users will be granted provisional access to the platform and are encouraged to provide the implementation team with feedback on their experience. The pilot program will expand to Early Adopters prior to the start of the Spring 2022 semester through an online request process that will open after the Winter Break. Support and training during the pilot program will be limited to Qualtrics’ online support.
Anyone with a UNM NetID will be eligible to access the platform in late spring 2022. Existing UNM Qualtrics users will be asked to transition their accounts to the campus-wide Qualtrics subscription through a phased migration plan in coordination with their college or department over time.