The Safer Buildings Coalition hosts a special pilot version of its regular Seminar Series on Aug. 12 from 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Ballroom C at The University of New Mexico’s Student Union Building. This interactive seminar is based on model codes regarding in-building public safety communications systems.

The event features a keynote address by Justin Daniels, president of the Center for Campus Fire Safety (CCFS) and fire marshal at the University of Oklahoma. As part of the event, the SBC will also subject experts from its Coalition leadership and sponsor members.

A Meet & Greet and breakfast will be held from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. The main program begins at 8:30 a.m.

The agenda includes:

  • Keynote address: Justin Daniels - president, Center for Campus Fire Safety & fire marshal, University of Oklahoma
  • Safer Buildings Coalition Leadership
  • Industry Experts
  • Local Code Officials
  • Emergency Responder Radio Communications Systems (ERRCS): General Requirements Review
  • Cellular Communication vs. Public Safety Communication Systems
  • National and Local Code Requirements for Public Safety Radio Communications
  • Recent and Planned Code Updates – NFPA, IFC, Local Amendments
  • System Testing and Best Practices
  • Panel Discussion, Local Town Hall and Q&A

To register, visit: SBC-NM 2019.

The Safer Buildings Coalition is a not for profit social welfare organization founded in 2012. Safer Buildings Coalition aims to ensure that First Responders (Fire, Law Enforcement and EMS) can use state-of-the-art voice and data communications to communicate with one another inside buildings as well as to and from their Command Centers outside buildings during an event.

The shared vision among its members, which includes leading companies and organizations within the wireless and public safety industries, is to create safer buildings that possess advanced indoor public communications systems.

The event is sponsored by Graybar, The University of New Mexico and Center for Campus Fire Safety.