The UNM Staff Council is accepting nominations for the prestigious 2019 Gerald W. May Outstanding Staff Awards. This prestigious, presidential award recognizes outstanding staff members who have made significant contributions to the University. Faculty, staff and students are all eligible to nominate.
In 1990, President Gerald W. May provided funds specifically for staff recognition, and at the end of his tenure, a matching amount was made available from the Regent’s Endowment Fund. These funds are used by Staff Council to recognize outstanding staff members who have made significant contributions to the University. This prestigious presidential award recognizes individuals, but departments may nominate a staff member with one nomination form signed by the group.
The Staff Council Rewards and Recognition Committee conducts the screening process and makes recommendations, with the approval of the Staff Council Executive Committee, to the President of the University.
Three to five awards are presented each year. Each recipient receives a monetary award and plaque. The awards will be presented at a reception on Thursday, Dec. 5 at 3 p.m. in SUB Ballroom C.
The deadline for nominations is Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 5 p.m.
For more information, visit Gerald W. May Outstanding Staff Award.