In an effort to simplify and enhance access to information, The University of New Mexico is implementing an open public records portal. The portal, online at, allows the University to streamline its processes and provide records to the community more easily.

“This new portal is another example of how the University is working to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of what we do,” said UNM President Robert Frank. “We already have the sunshine portal for information on salaries and contracts, and our police department offers online access to its reports. This is one more step toward increased openness and transparency at UNM.”

The portal does not replace the University’s process for responding to Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) request. However, it can help individuals find public records that are already online or that may have been released from a previous IPRA request, thus saving time and resources. Additionally, members of the public can now submit, track, and receive documents for their records requests online.

“We are happy to partner with the website builder, NextRequest, to provide individuals with an improved process for public records request,” said John Rodriguez, Custodian of Public Records for UNM.  “This new service will help streamline the process and make valuable information even more accessible to the public.”

In addition to the new portal, UNM will be implementing a charge for copies of some records, consistent with other similar public institutions and in line with the requirements under IPRA and the New Mexico Attorney General’s IPRA Compliance Guide. UNM will continue, however, to arrange for free, in-person inspection of records at the University should a requester prefer that.

For those who choose to opt for copies of records, under the new fee schedule UNM will provide the first 20 pages of hard or electronically scanned copies at no charge.  Effective July 1, 2016, the University will assess of a fee for copies of records in excess of 20 pages.

“UNM gets hundreds of requests ranging from ten to thousands of pages of documents each year,” said Rodriguez. “Charging a small fee for the public records will help cover some of the costs associate with processing requests allowed under the statute.”

Fees for hard copies are as follows:

  • 35 cents per page for 8 ½”  by 11”
  • $1 per page for 8 ½” by 14
  • $1 per page for 11” by 17”

Charges for electronic records are based on the actual costs associated with downloading copies, plus the cost of the storage device:

  • 25 Cents per page (after 20) to a computer disk, thumb drive or other storage device


  • 25 cents for a computer disk
  • $2.75 for audio tapes
  • $6.75 for a thumb drive

Any postage or other costs associated with transmission of copies will be charged to the requestor:
Mail: $1 per page, plus postage
Air Express: actual cost
Facsimile (fax): 25 cents per page

Advanced payment of fees, either by cash or credit card, is required before copies are provided. Cash payments must be made to the UNM Cashier’s Office located in the Perovich Business Center, Suite 1100, on the southwest corner of Lomas and Universities Boulevards. Credit card payments can be made on line at