Effective Friday, April 17, The University of New Mexico has implemented Mandatory Self-Reporting for COVID-19 Diagnosis and Potential COVID-19 Illness with specific symptoms.
The Coronavirus pandemic has presented a variety of challenges to public institutions. Many steps have been taken at UNM over the past several weeks to secure the well-being of the campus community and support state and national efforts to stop the spread of the virus, including the recent announcement restricting access to UNM campus.
This policy is specific to those individuals currently / recently working or residing on UNM Main or Branch Campuses UNM’s policy for self-reporting either symptoms of or a positive test for COVID-19 in order to support our efforts to slow the spread of infection and to help keep the campus community safe. The policy will help connect the campus community to resources for support and to help the University assess the impacts of the virus within the campus community.
The policy excludes HSC faculty, staff, students and volunteers for which a separate policy has been developed.
The policy is consistent with recent COVID-19 guidance from Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for complying with American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act, and for the safety of UNM campus communities and residents of the communities.
The policy is highlighted with four main points:
1. Any UNM main campus or branch campus faculty, staff, student or volunteer, who is currently on campus or has been physically present on campus anytime beginning April 3 and continuing throughout UNM’s Limited Operations, and who is displaying signs or symptoms of COVID-19 illness (i.e., flu-like symptoms with fever > 100; cough; shortness of breath; loss of smell; or loss of taste), is required to self-report and may be asked to get tested for COVID-19 and to self-isolate. (https://lobowebapp.unm.edu/apex_ods/f?p=135)
2. Any UNM main campus or branch campus faculty, staff, student or volunteer, who is currently on campus or has been physically present on campus anytime beginning April 3 and continuing throughout UNM’s Limited Operations, and who has tested positive for COVID-19 is required to self-report that he or she has tested positive to COVID-19 and must self-isolate. (https://lobowebapp.unm.edu/apex_ods/f?p=135)
3. Prior to returning to campus, any UNM main campus or branch campus faculty, staff, student or volunteer, that has tested positive for COVID-19 or has had symptoms consistent with a COVID-19 illness within 14 days of returning to campus shall be required to obtain an appropriate release from UNM Authorities prior to his or her return to campus to work or to live. To obtain this release, faculty, staff, and volunteers should call EOHS at 505-272-8043, and students and student employees should call SHAC at 505-277-3136.
4. Supervisors who become aware or suspect that a UNM main campus or branch campus faculty, staff, student or volunteer has either been possibly exposed or has tested positive for COVID-19 should immediately send the individual home and direct the individual to UNM’s self-reporting site.
This policy will remain in effect until rescinded and should be read together with any CDC or NMDOH Public Health Orders or instructions regarding self-isolation, testing, and quarantine.