Stacy Sacco, an award-winning member of the UNM Anderson School of Management faculty and director of the UNM Small Business Institute, recently launched the ABQ Sales and Business Development Professionals Meetup group to connect local sales professionals, small business owners and entrepreneurial students to exchange ideas, and learn about new sales job openings and upcoming local events.
The meetup group builds on Sacco’s annual MarCom Mixer program that he launched and co-hosted with Albuquerque the Magazine that brought together 350-500 members of the 20+ marketing communications professional associations statewide over the past 10+ years.
Sacco also hosts a monthly email and free information portal,, that connects 4,500+ subscribers (i.e., senior sales and marketing executives, entrepreneurs and media representatives) to nearly 5,000 links to jobs, events and resources.
The website features several popular lists including the “Albuquerque Entrepreneurial Ecosystem” (with 300+ links to local entrepreneurial resources including 20+ chamber of commerce, merchant associations, and MainStreet groups), and “Things to do for People with Discerning Tastes” (with an additional 300+ links to cultural events of special interest to people considering moving to New Mexico; and truly serves as “Gateway to New Mexico").
Sacco has hosted two successful Mix@Six Mixers at Dave & Busters that attracted a standing-room-only attendance with nearly 100 attendees each, and he is moving his next event to a larger venue to accommodate his growing membership (that now surpasses 200).
For more information, visit Sales and Business Development Professionals or contact Stacy Sacco at or 505-489-2311.