The search for The University of New Mexico's 22nd president was officially announced at the UNM Board of Regents meeting on Oct. 18, 2016. The search will be chaired by the Board of Regents President Rob Doughty, with Regents Marron Lee and Tom Clifford serving as committee members.

 “The search seeks to include input from the entire campus community,” said Doughty. “A goal of early spring 2017 has been set to have a new president selected, with a permanent president beginning June 1, 2017.” 

The Board will appoint a representative search committee as soon as possible, to assist and advise the Board in the selection of the next President. Committee member nominations will be solicited from constituent group leadership, and the UNM community is also encouraged to submit nominations for committee members at by Oct. 28,, 2016.

The committee will be charged with conducting a comprehensive national search for a successor to current President Bob Frank, who announced in September that he will not be seeking a second term when his ends on June 1, 2017. A request for proposals (RFP) is being issued for an executive search consultant to identify and recruit qualified candidates for UNM president.

“This is both a challenge and an opportunity for UNM, and the Board is committed to selecting a leader who is both innovative and inspirational, and can successfully advance New Mexico’s flagship university,” said Regent Marron Lee. “We will rely on the institutional knowledge of the Lobo community and expertise of the selected search firm to present the campus with the best candidates for the next UNM President.”

The UNM community is encouraged to provide input and identify essential leadership characteristics to the Board of Regents regarding the development of position description. Comments may be submitted at, where the search process will continue to be documented and updated.