The University of New Mexico has announced plans to celebrate the Spring 2021 graduating class with an in-person commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 15 at 9 a.m. in University Stadium.

University Stadium
UNM's spring 2021 commencement exercises will be held at University Stadium.

This event, for Spring 2021 graduates only, will be held under all health restrictions and guidelines—in order to ensure adequate, safely-spaced seating for all graduates—there will be no guests permitted at the ceremony. UNM will be live-streaming commencement on multiple platforms so family and friends can view the ceremonies.

“I am thrilled to announce that we will be holding an in-person commencement ceremony for our Spring 2021 graduates at University Stadium, our largest and safest outdoor venue,” said UNM President Garnett S. Stokes. “While I know this still isn’t the commencement you imagined when you started here, I am still delighted we’re able to celebrate your achievements in person, and with your fellow Lobo graduates.”

Signups for student in-person and personalized graduate pages open April 1, while faculty signups are ongoing.

Departmental, schools and colleges and virtual events are currently being planned. For more information, visit Graduation Events.  

UNM will continue to monitor New Mexico’s progress toward combating COVID-19, and will continue to fully comply with all federal, state, and local safety guidelines for all commencement-related events. 

For the latest information, visit the 2021 Commencement website.