The University of New Mexico is home to an array of campus resource centers and support programs that promote academic and communal success for all students, staff and faculty navigating campus life.
Each center supports different elements of student agency during their time in college. Services are available to new and returning students. The centers and programs can offer support during challenging times, a community of shared culture and encouragement for students as they pursue higher education.
This extends to providing tools and support in eliminating social barriers in order to foster agency and independence throughout campus. At the forefront of UNM’s centers' advocacy work are civil rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, accessibility rights, and social work — empowering, engaging, supporting, and informing UNM staff and students.
“The resource centers and in particular the ethnic centers are spaces where students don't have to separate themselves as students from where they come from culturally,” said Pam Agoyo, executive director of student support and director of American Indian Student Services. “Our job is to give students new ideas about how to take advantage of all the opportunities that exist on campus”.
Students, staff and families can learn more about the resource centers that may best appeal to them with the alphabetical list below. Please note, this is not an extensive list of available services, and students are encouraged to reach out to centers that may interest them for more information.

Accessibility Resource Center
The Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) represents UNM students who need accommodation to access their academic career. They work with students from a social justice lens of inclusion and access to get them the help they need. Beyond the academic experience of college, there are more aspects of college that ARC hopes to give students a chance to fully participate in.
To get connected with the center, students must provide ARC with the necessary documentation verifying their disability. The center then uses this information to guide them in decisions about a student’s accommodations and disabilities. Those interested can email documentation to the center at, drop it off, FAX it, or mail it in. For more information on the verification process, students are welcome to walk in with any questions.
The accommodation plan includes notifying instructors that the student is registered with ARC and what accommodations will be necessary for them in the classroom. Alternatively, ARC will help the student schedule exams within the center if they require testing accommodations or electronic formatting of their textbooks.
Though ARC is a center for students, faculty are welcome to visit to talk about creating spaces for students, Amanda Butrum, ARC director, said. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, UNM is legally mandated to comply with university policies pertaining to inclusion and disability and any misunderstandings can be cleared up with a visit should any questions arise.
For more information, visit the ARC website.

African American Student Services (AASS or Afro)
African American Student Services, most commonly referred to as Afro, is intentional about ensuring that every student who walks in can see a part of their intersectional identity within the center.
The center provides a computer lab, meeting space reservations, a lounge, and free printing to Black staff, students and community on campus. There are also various programs and events, such as the Sankofa retreat and Welcome Back Barbecue.
The goal of Afro is to authenticate and encourage Black excellence within an engaged campus community while learning about others’ experiences. Allies are welcome to visit and learn more about AASS on a walk-in basis.
“We welcome all students into our space, and we hope that they will engage with us. Black Lobos are a part of the UNM Lobo family!” said Brandi Stone, African American Student Services director.
For more information, visit the African American Student Services website.

American Indian Student Services
Established in 1980, American Indian Student Services (AISS) assists in the development of personal, cultural and social success for Native students to ensure their academic achievement. AISS was created to increase the recruitment and retention of Native students at UNM, and since then has acted as the students’ liaison for programs, high school and community colleges, tribal governments and higher education organizations.
Comprehensive outreach and recruitment initiatives, student leadership development, programming designed to positively influence student persistence and graduation; and strong tribal community partnerships are AISS cornerstones.
As well as many other UNM resource centers, AISS offers free printing, free access to its computer pods, and oftentimes, free food.
AISS keeps students informed of scholarship opportunities on its website and through email announcements. The center welcomes new students to check out the AISS Welcome Back event on Thursday, August 31 from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the Mesa Vista Hall Southwest Courtyard.
For more information, visit the AISS website. AISS also maintains a thorough scholarship website for UNM students.

Asian American Pacific Islander Resource Center
Established in the 2021-2022 school year, the Asian American Pacific Islanders Resource Center (AAPIRC, pronounced a-perk) stemmed from student advocacy efforts and was designed with the intent to promote a sense of belonging amongst Asian American and Pacific Islanders in UNM’s campus community.
AAPIRC is centered on the needs of Asian American and Pacific Islander students, including students of the following heritages: East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, Pacific Islands, and anywhere in the Arab World. The center aims to be inclusive of all students who identify as AAPI, including adoptees, mixed-race students and international students. AAPIRC supports students, staff and faculty through culturally educational and celebratory events and programs.
AAPIRC is the newest addition to the various campus centers and is headed by Director Farah Nousheen, whose goal is to educate the wider New Mexico community about AAPI cultural identities.
As of Fall '23, AAPIRC is in the midst of some renovations and a move. Nousheen encourages interested students to reach out for advising and get connected with the center's email newsletter for updates on the new AAPIRC space, expected to open later this semester. Nousheen encourages students to attend the center's Welcome Back Pad Thai Social, Aug. 23 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Mesa Vista Hall Courtyard and to stay connected with the center for updates on language circles, weekly Yoga and other events.
For more information, visit the Asian American Pacific Islanders Resource Center website. Sign up for the AAPIRC newsletter to receive updates.
Center for Financial Capability
While the Center for Financial Capability (CFC) is not a resource center in the traditional sense, many students may find value in the center's financial advising services. The CFC is a financial outreach and educational program administered through the UNM Dean of Students Office. The program is powered by the University of New Mexico and Nusenda Credit Union as partners in education. The Center for Financial Capability is a resource devoted to assisting UNM community members on their journey toward becoming financially successful. Through programming and one-on-one sessions, this space encourages positive money management conversations. The CFC's main goal is to make sure students walk out of UNM with as little debt as possible.
The CFC will host several workshops in-person and on Zoom, this Fall on topics ranging from budgeting to building credit. The center also offers one-on-one financial consultations. Learn more about the available financial services on the CFC website.

College Enrichment Program
The College Enrichment Program (CEP) provides comprehensive student support services that directly impact students’ success at UNM in order to assist them in their transition to higher education and collegiate success.
CEP provides holistic support to student populations that are underrepresented, including students who are first-generation, low-income, and/or are from rural areas. Its focus is on inspiring students to pursue higher education, advocate for policies that support equitable access for students, develop programs and initiatives that promote student opportunities, and foster community engagement. The center believes in the potential of every student.
CEP's academic support efforts include peer mentor tutoring, financial aid guidance, and scholarship listings. CEP provides updates through its website on important information and opportunities such as Scholar Funds and Pathway Programs.
For more information, visit the College Enrichment Programs website.
El Centro de la Raza
El Centro de la Raza plays a big role in advocating for Hispanic and Latino students at UNM in order to meet their needs in the higher education system. Students of various skin color, race, ethnicity, economic status and upbringings flock to El Centro. Along the way, students build community and have some say in facilitating the center’s student amenities.
Their motto? “Created for students, by students.”
“As director, my biggest role is to be an advocate for Hispanic and Latino students to make them aware of what’s happening - within the community and nationally. It’s really about making sure they understand what it means to be a student in New Mexico,” says Cervantes.
Advocating, to Cervantes, means thinking about the specific needs of Hispanic and Latino students who oftentimes may be first-generation college students.
Students may not know what to make of the various properties and policies of the higher education system. With the support and mentoring that the center offers new or unfamiliar students who don’t know where to start when it comes to college, El Centro is a great landing strip for newcomers who are looking for UNM services to lean on in times of need.
Those “needs” can certainly come down to college preparation, classes, or finals, but they can also be as simple as a hot cup of coffee at the ready, or a group of people that will greet every student with a “good morning!” each day.
Alongside academic advisement (think scholarships, admissions, financial aid guidance), El Centro is committed to building a sense of community and supportive environment and, for students, regardless of their background or immigration status.

LGBTQ Resource Center
The LGBTQ Resource Center (LGBTQRC) strives to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for all members of the University of New Mexico and the surrounding community. LGBTQRC is a safe zone that stands against homophobia and heightens the visibility of the UNM LGBTQ community and the issues affecting them. The center's team promotes a civically engaged campus community that is committed to equality and equal opportunity for all people.
To promote a more inclusive campus, the LGBTQ Resource Center provides a number of services to students, staff, and faculty — some of which are also available to community members. These include educational programming, safer sex resources, and Safe Zone training. Drop-in HIV testing is another valued service of the center, alongside free counseling.
Many students take advantage of LGBTQRC’s free and unlimited printing access, as well as its popular computer pods and lounge area.
For more information, visit the LGBTQ Resource Center website or check out the LGBTQ Resource Center Instagram.

LoboRESPECT Advocacy Center
Often coined the “first stop” for students who are seeking support for problem-solving, self-advocacy skills or advocacy assistance, and campus navigation. The center operates the Lobo Food Pantry, which is located in the SUB and is available to all UNM students. The center can also communicate a student’s extended absence to faculty or alert staff in the instance of someone struggling with trauma or a mental health issue. LoboRESPECT is one of four locations on campus that offers confidential reporting for cases of sexual misconduct.
LoboRESPECT services are open by appointment, over the phone, or on a walk-in basis. Zoom calls can be organized as well.
The goal of LoboRESPECT is to support students in their own success. The center works closely with the Accessibility Resource Center to coordinate accommodations. They also facilitate mandatory sexual misconduct training, the Grey Area, for all incoming students.
The center is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and its staff ensures there is always someone in the office to help, providing the office is open.
For more information, visit the LoboRESPECT website.

Student Health and Counseling
Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) offers outpatient health services for all currently enrolled UNM students. SHAC does not offer pediatric care. SHAC is not a provider of emergency medical care. In case of a medical or counseling emergency, call 9-1-1 or go directly to a local hospital emergency room.
SHAC provides care to students as needed by organizing clinical services around a college health population. SHAC seeks to eliminate barriers to services for all students regardless of insured or financial status. They have found that timely interventions for acute mental health and medical problems increase the likelihood that students will complete their educational goals. The center strives to reach all groups, including non-traditional, international, professional and graduate students in promoting services.
They work hard to find low cost, in-network options for all referred care. All services are provided by certified professionals who have expertise related to college health. Students enrolled in the current semester who are taking four credit hours or more, and have paid the Student Health Fee as part of their tuition are eligible to utilize SHAC services.
For those interested, visit the Student Health and Counseling Services website.
Same-day and scheduled appointments can be made here.

Veteran & Military Resource Center
The Veteran & Military Resource Center (VMRC) works to increase the admission, retention and graduation of veterans in higher education. The team’s goal is to meet the needs of New Mexico’s veterans and their dependents as an accessible resource. The center aims to remove social, physical, and psychological barriers through a strong and vibrant network and to provide Veterans with the resources that will prepare them for successful entry into the workforce.
“We serve military affiliated students - that includes active duty, veterans, retirees, spouses, and children,” said VMRC Student Success Specialist Jesse Preciado. “Our office’s mission is to make UNM known as the top veteran-friendly institution, not only in New Mexico, but across the country.”
VMRC aims to introduce its military-affiliated students to the benefits and opportunities UNM offers. Doing so helps bring attention to the unique contributions that military-affiliated students bring to campus, Preciado said.
For more information, visit the Veteran & Military Resource Center website.

Women’s Resource Center
The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) team is dedicated to supporting and upholding students through advocacy work. It provides the tools and resources necessary to enhance success in academic, personal, and professional aspects of students’ lives. The WRC hosts support groups, offers mentoring services, and sponsors a number of fun, themed events throughout the year. The WRC also helps students deal with sexual harassment, sexual assault, and various types of domestic, dating or relationship violence, as well as bullying and stalking. Like LoboRESPECT, the center offers students confidential reporting. The WRC's support for students helps remove barriers to what interferes with school, thus encouraging healing from trauma.
WRC offers students free, confidential counseling. Trained Master’s degree students under excellent supervision provide counseling. The WRC’s Mental Health Collaborative partnership with El Centro de la Raza has enabled counseling services to be offered in Spanish or English.
Scholarships and funds like the Sabrina Single Parents Scholarship are made available to those applicable through WRC. Several program assistant and student-led initiatives have taken flight to educate folks on a variety of topics such as self-care, women in Health, and women in STEM. Also provided at WRC are an eating disorder support group and mentoring workshops.
The center is committed to supporting student parents in a child-friendly space and is updating and redecorating lactation stations around campus used for breastfeeding and chestfeeding. A breast pump is available for those who need to use it. The center is also excited to be partnering with Children’s Campus on a welcome-back event — the first one specifically designed for student parents.
For more information, visit the Women's Resource Center website.