The Office of the University Secretary seeks volunteers to assist with the 2024 First-Year Family Day on Sunday, Aug. 18 at 4 p.m. at Johnson Gym.
UNM's First-Year Family Day is an annual event to celebrate first-year students, transfer students, and honor the family and friends that have helped prepare them for this new phase of their academic journey, and introduce them to the UNM Community.
Volunteer hours will be in shifts of two to three hours between 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. that day. First-Year Convocation begins at 4 p.m. at Johnson Gym. A reception follows the Convocation at Cornell Mall.
Fill out the short form and sign up to volunteer. Anyone interested in volunteering can view the positions and times on the sign-up form. Volunteers will be invited to attend a short meeting and will be provided with instructions and parking information. Approximately 40 volunteers are needed to fill a variety of positions.
Volunteer and have some fun welcoming the 2028 First-Year Class and their families to campus.
To learn more, visit First-year Family Day events.