“Voices of Ukraine: Know Our Spirit – Hear Our Needs,” a UNM-Albuquerque community forum, will be held Thursday, March 24 from 5 – 7 p.m. in room 123 at Dane Smith Hall. The event is open to everyone. Paid public parking is available in the Yale Parking Structure.
Sponsored by the International Studies Institute, the forum will feature presentations by three local Ukrainians, a Q&A period and the opportunity to donate items for relief efforts in Ukraine. Forum discussion topics include national identity and the present moment, humanitarian assistance, and strategies for now and the future. Guest speakers include Albuquerque nurses Lyudmyla Kostyk and Larysa Castillo, and UNM student Yuliana Schevchuk. The forum will be moderated by UNM Professor Emeritus Byron Lindsey.
In addition, attendees may also bring donations including new sturdy socks, unopened Tylenol. Ibuprofen, hygienic pads, toothbrushes and toothpaste, baby food, wipes, diapers—baby and adult and band-aids. The items will be shipped to Ukraine.