Brian D. Goldstein, University of New Mexico School of Architecture & Planning assistant professor of architecture, has his recent book, “The Roots of Urban Renaissance: Gentrification and the Struggle Over Harlem,” (Harvard University Press), featured...
Fifteen years after the destruction of New York City’s World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, the structures known as the “twin towers” still loom large in public memory. Indeed, the World Trade Center, a project completed in 1973 according to the plans of modernist Minoru Yamasaki, stood for nearly three decades as a work much more notable as a global icon than as an architectural design.
When people envision Albuquerque, they probably don’t think “modern.” According to Brian Goldstein, assistant professor of architecture in the UNM School of Architecture & Planning, to understand Albuquerque, the city must fundamentally be viewed as...