It’s a tale celebrated across generations each holiday season. A grouchy rich man named Ebenezer Scrooge learns the true meaning of Christmas, after a supernatural encounter on Christmas Eve. Yet, beyond the three ghosts and Tiny Tim, A Christmas Carol...
One researcher at The University of New Mexico is leading the charge to better care for and understand a diagnosis which affects dozens of babies taking their first breath.
Psychology Associate Professor Benjamin Clark is studying memory loss in those...
Rylee Brachle has had her sights set on higher education since she was a child.
When she was in elementary school her single mother finished her bachelor’s degree at The University of New Mexico. “She brought me to class a few times,” she recalls. “I...
It will be a study they’ll hopefully never forget.
UNM Professor and Director of the Psychology Clinical Neuroscience Center in Psychology Vincent Clark is heading up new memory research in partnership with Santa Fe company NeuroGeneces, Inc.
The UNM Center on Alcohol, Substance Use, & Addictions (CASAA) is taking new steps to research alcohol, and how it reacts to our bodies and brains
CASAA is searching for volunteers to join this innovative research now through March 2023.
The joint ABQ...
A traumatic experience in her teens is driving a University of New Mexico student’s research experience and plans for a future in public service.
Abrianna Morales, who was named a Truman Scholar earlier this year, found a network of peers serving in...
After a nationwide search, Ellen R. Fisher, vice president for research at the University of New Mexico, has named Professor Katie Witkiewitz director of the Center on Alcohol, Substance Use, and Addictions (CASAA). Witkiewitz will take over as director...
Investigators at The University of New Mexico (UNM) analyzed the psychological functioning of healthy college students with varying levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in their urine. Compared to nonusers, young adults with recent exposure to cannabis...
Researchers at The University of New Mexico have used a mobile software app to measure the effects of consuming different types of common and commercially available Cannabis flower products on fatigue levels in real-time. As part of the study,...
As more than 20 percent of students nationwide will experience bullying, researchers at The University of New Mexico are examining the unique risk factors that may leave a child vulnerable to bullying victimization, particularly among Latino youth.