Lobo Advisory Update – 8.30.2021, 11:02 a.m.: The suspect was found near campus and taken into custody by UNM PD.
Lobo Advisory – 8.30.2021, 10:15 a.m.: Suspect groped victim near EECE bldg. located at 211 Terrace NE. The alleged suspect is a white male, tall, slender build, tan shirt, blue jeans. Last seen walking west.
If you have any information regarding this incident or notice any suspicious behavior, contact the UNM Police Department at 505.277.2241. Always be aware of your surroundings. Please be aware of your surroundings. LoboGuardian is an app that turns your smartphone into a virtual blue light phone. For more information visit LoboGuardian.
If you have any information regarding this incident or notice any suspicious behavior, contact the UNM Police Department at 505.277.2241. Always be aware of your surroundings. Please be aware of your surroundings. LoboGuardian is an app that turns your smartphone into a virtual blue light phone. For more information visit LoboGuardian.
For more information about campus safety, visit UNM Campus Safety.