UNM Parking & Transportation Services (UNM PATS) is informing customers of construction activity that is impacting parking spaces in the M-Observatory lot. Here’s what commuters need to know:    

Construction Project  
On Monday, Jan. 31, Jaynes Construction closed off the east side of the M-Observatory lot for construction activities. The closure and project work is expected to continue until Sunday, Feb. 27. 

Parking Impact   

  • The scheduled construction work will require the closure of all remaining parking spaces in M-Observatory lot (east of the observatory) for approximately one month. 
  • Customers who are used to parking in M-Observatory lot may need to park in the “M” PPD lot located to the south of the Observatory lot and just east of the UNM Facilities Management building (formerly known as “PPD”).  
  • Throughout all phases of construction work, steps will be taken to help mitigate potential traffic and access issues in the affected area(s). Notifications will be sent out periodically to inform you of project progress and additional changes or closures. Please plan extra time in your commute as you may need to park in a different lot in the M Zone. As always, please be aware of workers while in the area.   

For more information about PATS’ services and operations, check the PATS website, call the Business Office at 505.277.1938 during business hours (7:30 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday through Friday), or check PATS' social media feeds on Facebook and Twitter (@UNMPATS).