1. Valencia County News Bulletin - "Legislative Town Hall Meeting"
2. Valencia County News Bulletin - "Letters to the Editor"
3. EurekAlert - "Future hypersonics could be artificially intelligent"
4. EurekAlert - "OSU researcher to help lead $10.7 million push toward gonorrhea vaccine"
5. Science and Technology Research News - "Army Awards Eight Research Grants to Address Complex Challenges"
6. PRNewswire - "St. Jude gene therapy cures babies with 'bubble boy' disease"
7. The New England Journal of Medicine - "Lentiviral Gene Therapy Combined with Low-Dose Busulfan in Infants with SCID-X1"
8. Broadcast:
* KRQE 13 - "Water Authority hopes to educate customers to reduce water waste"
* KRQE 13 - "This week in Albuquerque: Street Party, great food, fine arts"
* KRQE 13 - "High school student graduating with 6 degrees"