ABQ Journal - University campuses in NM are still no-high zones
ABQ Journal - ‘Juntos’ to showcase sculptures from UNM art students
ABQ Journal - Space group could drive workforce development
ABQ Journal - NMDOT launches don’t drive high campaign
ABQ Journal - Pot’s legal, and cops are looking for impaired drivers
The Santa Fe New Mexican - UNM professor helping unearth mysteries of Maya site in Honduras
Yahoo - What if College Were Free? This State Is Trying to Find Out.
INDIAN COUNTRY TODAY - Pope Francis apologizes for churches' role in Canadian Indian residential schools
Culture Map Austin - 2 Texas airports employ futuristic robots to help clean up terminals
Gaming News - A rare primordial gas would be leaking from the Earth’s core
ARCHYDE - The discovery of a helium 3 leak from the Earth’s core .. Know the details
ARCHYDE - Helium gas from the universe 14 billion years ago is leaking from the Earth’s core – BBC News Thai
Gizmodo - Gas From the Big Bang May Be Trapped Inside Earth
NanoTechnologyNow - Could quantum technology be New Mexicos next economic boon? Quantum New Mexico Coalition aims to establish state as national hub
The US Express News - In Race for Tuition-Free College, New Mexico makes a claim
AUVSI - Finalists Named for 2022 AUVSI XCELLENCE Awards
CengNews - From the Big Bang, it appears that the Earth’s core is leaking primordial helium.
KRQE - UNM is a Drug Free Campus
KRQE - UNM will not allow marijuana on campuses
KRQE - New Mexico Department of Transportation warns against driving high