Albuquerque Journal - I see your electric car and raise you a bike
Albuquerque Journal - UNM Regents unanimously endorse President Stoke’s vaccination plan
Albuquerque Journal - Editorial: Vaccine mandates likely our best bet to keeping NM safe
The Santa Fe New Mexican - Uranium mine cleanup could benefit state, tribes
Deming Headlight - As COVID-19 vaccine mandates gain support, N.M. Rep. Herrell cosponsors 'We Will Not Comply Act'
Grant County Beat.- AED and UNM Anderson School of Management Launch a Regional Innovation Series - Research illuminates language of fireflies
Herald & Review - Formerly incarcerated teens share their research and ideas on how to improve the juvenile justice system
Cascade Business News.- Oregon State Scientists Collaborate on Road Map for Adapting Dry Forests to New Fire Regimes
The Visualist - Virtual Author Event: The Anti-racist Writing Workshop by Felicia Rose Chavez
Broadcast news:
KRQE - UNM youth art group unveils mural at local nonprofit
KOAT – Lobos represent at the Olympics
KOAT – UNM Research on Wildfires
KTVZ-TV - OSU scientists collaborate on road map for adapting dry forests to new fire regimes
KOB - UNM Board of Regents unanimously supports vaccination requirement
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