Albuquerque Journal - Nearly 14,000 athletes in town for 2019 National Senior Games
Albuquerque Journal - Middle East ‘Deal of Century’ will be DOA
Argus Leader (South Dakota) - More researchers report promising Alzheimer's vaccine results in mice
The Week - Breakthrough vaccine offers hope in fight against Alzheimer's
Cape Cod Times - New D-Y principal sees himself as ‘lifelong learner’
Food Management - Take a tour of the University of New Mexico’s new campus pub
CNet - Little-known meteor shower this month could have dangerous stowaways
El Mensajero Catolico - Ibero to recognize 92 students for their academic achievements
Space War - Directed Energy Outlook: Preparing for Full Deployment
KOAT 7 – Daguerreotypes research
BBC Radio – UNM Alzheimer’s research
Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES) – Randy Thornhill, UNM biology professor
Ground Zero – Beta Taurids meteor shower