ABQJournal - UNM alum pledges $5M endowment for engineering

Los Alamos Daily Post - New Mexico Supreme Court Names Elizabeth A. Garcia Chief Clerk And Stephanie Wilson State Law Librarian

Forbes - Earth’s Core Is Leaking A Surprising Amount Of Ancient Helium-3

Vice - Ancient Gas From the Dawn of Time Is Leaking From Earth's Core

Wired - It’s Easy to Blame Mental Health Issues on Tech. But Is It Fair?

The Roosevelt Review - Supreme Court names chief court clerk and state law librarian

NewsWeek - Earth's Core Appears To Be Leaking Primordial Helium From the Big Bang

Biz News Post - New Clues to Earth’s Formation From Ancient Helium Leaking From the Planet’s Core

Kentucky Today - ACM A.M. Turing Award Honors Pioneer of High Performance Computing

The University of Tennessee - Dongarra Receives Prestigious Turing Award

Geek Tech Online - There is a lot of ancient helium in the Earth's core: it helped to understand where our planet was formed

TweakTown - An ancient 'primordial' substance is 'leaking' out of the Earth's core

Physician’s Weekly - ‘American Diagnosis’: ‘Water Warriors’ Tap Diné Resilience to Increase Access on Navajo Land


KRQE - New Mexicans seeking primary care appointments face long wait time